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Fit Notes and changes to how they are issued

Fit Notes are a “Statement of Fitness for Work” (colloquially known as sick notes), which is used to record an employee’s health and any health conditions impacting them. It states whether an employee is fit to work, not fit to work or fit to work with adjustments to their role (maybe fit) such as a phased return.

The Government has issued updated guidance on getting the most out of Fit Notes. This follows an update by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) as to how fit notes are issued. Fits notes are now able to be issued electronically and by Nurses, Occupational Therapists and pharmacists. This means that they are more easily accessible.

The guidance is significant and offers FAQs as well as case studies. For more information about this, refer to the Government’s guidance.

For advice on how this may impact your business and what you may need to do going forward, please get in touch with one of our specialist team today.

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