Identifying Workplace Ageism

Enduring workplace discrimination can be a hugely stressful expeience, feeling targetted and harassed in your place of employment. Discrimination can manifest in a number of ways, ranging from targeted name-calling pertaining to someone’s race, gender or sexuality, or as subtle as excluding someone from particular activities because of their age. This may be more common than you expect, and if you believe you may be the victim of workplace discrimination, employment law experts will be able to guide you through the processes of making a claim or solving a dispute. Swan Craig Solicitors are local employment law specialists who offer tailored advice that you can trust, on topics as varied as unfair dismissal and office contract disputes..

Continue reading to find out more regarding workplace ageism, and whether you can benefit from personalised legal advice.

Ageism Explained

A form of discrimination which is rarely highlighted is that of ageism. Defined as a form of prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age, it frequently manifests in the workplace, be it during the recruitment process or throughout the course of an individual’s career. You may feel that you are being left out of particular social activities because you are older than the rest of the workforce, or you may not be entrusted to complete certain tasks solely because you are younger than others – this is ageism.

Subtle Or Direct

Ageism may not always be clear and noticeable, it may even be the result of many events over a period of time, which build up to make you feel insignificant and upset. Be it direct or more subtle, ageism is never acceptable within a workplace and could result in serious consequences for an employer and other staff who are involved. The Equality Act protects you from direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and although an employer may be able to justify discrimination, they can never justify harassment or victimisation in the same instance.

How We Deal With Discrimination

At Swan Craig Solicitors, we understand the trauma of being targeted because of your age. The first step if you feel discriminated against should be contacting a reliable employment law solicitor. It is important that when taking legal advice, you find someone who is  trustworthy and able to give you the correct guidance. We offer a personalised service so your legal matter is handled from start to finish with continuity – this even includes meetings out of hours where required.

We appreciate when taking any advice you need more than just the law, so we not only advise on the legalities, but also provide practical advice to help you understand the whole picture and what options are available to you. Highlighting the risks and likely costs associated with legal claims, and minimising the complicated legal terminology, we are a regulated law firm with qualified solicitors, meaning we have the knowledge, training and expertise to advise you. It also means we are authorised and insured to give you legal advice. Contact us today for information on unfair dismissal and important legal services.

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